It’s easy to be green...
People today are far more aware of the methods and means of reducing their impact on the environment when compared to just a few years ago. This in tandem with ever increasing energy prices has led homeowners to make improvements to their properties. Loft and cavity wall insulation, solar panels and energy efficient windows and doors are the main areas of ‘green’ investment
Our products give you...
Smaller energy bills
Replacing all single-glazed windows with B-rated double glazing could save you around £165 per year on your energy bills.
A smaller carbon footprint
By using less fuel, you’ll generate less of the carbon dioxide that leads to global warming - typically, 680kg a year.
A more comfortable home
Energy-efficient glazing reduces heat loss through windows and means fewer draughts and cold spots.
Peace and quiet
As well as keeping the heat in, energy efficient windows insulate your home against outside noise.
Reduced condensation
Energy-efficient glazing reduces condensation build-up on the inside of windows.
Nothing but the best energy rated frames...
We have dedicated significant time and money in developing a range of energy efficient products, all of which are capable of achieving the highest Window Energy Rating (WER) values.
The WER system allows consumers to make fair comparisons (based on energy efficiency) between different window manufacturers, much the same as with white goods such as washing machines and dishwashers.
All our windows are B rated as standard...
This is achieved by using Planitherm Total Plus, argon gas and warm edge spacer bar in all our glass units with an option to change to an A+ Rated window at a small additional cost.
PLUS they’re low, low maintenance...
Life is too short to be scraping and painting at rotten old window frames - and even the old discoloured PVC-U frames need more care and attention than they used to. With our frames, all you need is a quick wipe with a warm soapy cloth.